Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Researcher Track 2A: Zuiker

Gaming Boundaries Through and For Learning, by Dr Steven Zuiker
"The continuing introduction of new technologies and new media adds little to the quality of most education." (Economist)
Hmm... do you agree?

Zuiker brings up really interesting ideas about place and space. He talks about how we are moving from a place-based world to a space-based world where places and spaces are increasingly blended together. I am real; I am virtual; I am real again. Space is a Muslim woman visiting a synagogue in Second Life; it is a Dutch teenager arrested for stealing virtual furniture in Habbo Hotel. Stealing virtual furniture! That would be inconceivable just three years ago.

Zuiker also warns about disembodied knowledge. He says that teacher cannot simply give content or rich experiences. Instead, teachers must embed content into context into rich experiences. And this is where virtual spaces come in. It helps provide context and experience. An example of such a virtual space is Quest Alantis.

Very interesting stuff.

Quest Alantis
Habbo Hotel

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